Benefit Event at San Francisco’s
Villa Fontaine from 8-11PM
on Saturday, Feb. 25th
Come join Veronica De La Cruz and the Bay Area community for an evening at the chic Villa Fontaine to help celebrate heart ♥ health awareness month. Together we can raise awareness and funds to help support heart ♥ health care for pediatric heart patients in need of life-saving assistance.
Meet us on Saturday, February 25th as the Hope For Hearts Foundation hosts a benefit event at Villa Fontaine to raise donations to help offset medical costs for young heart patients Jasmine Winning and Brayden McQuillan. We’re planning a great evening with some wine, drinks, music and fun! We have an awesome line-up of friends coming out to support the cause and we’ll be raffling away some great prizes as well.
Doors for this wonderful event will open at 8:00 pm and the evening will include cocktails, dinner, a raffle and some surprise speakers. All proceeds will benefit young patients Jasmine Winning and Brayden McQuillan in meeting their medical needs as they battle a rare heart condition. Tickets are available for a $100 donation (RSVP online here) and additional donations will be accepted at the door and on-site at the event (checks only please).
Saturday, Feb 25th
8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Villa Fontaine
San Francisco, CA
Black tie requested
So don’t miss this wonderful chance to do something for a young patient in need right now. Come out and join us Saturday night for a cocktail, some food, a raffle and a very good cause. Many thanks to friends at The Nob Hill Gazette, Harboring Hearts and TrueCar for their generous contributions to the Hope for Hearts Foundation that help make this all possible.
Info on Hypoplastic Left Heart
The Eric De La Cruz Hope For Hearts Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible.
Special thanks to: