Health Care Reform Passed. It will help, but it’s just a start.
Regardless of your political persuasion, you can help make sure our leaders keep the needs of heart transplant patients in mind by keeping up-to-date on health care news and contacting your members of Congress to ask for more assistance and attention to the needs of those unable to get care. Here’s the latest news on heart transplants, health care and patient advocacy:
The Long Journey to Health Care Reform……And The Long Road That Remains Ahead.
To learn more about the efforts by millions to improve access to affordable healthcare in the U.S., please visit Eric’s Law, a site created by Eric’s sister, Veronica De La Cruz. There, you’ll discover not only how thousands of people helped make real change in Washington, but also discover helpful advice and information on resources and support. Below are other ways that you can help ensure we all continue to keep everyone’s right to affordable healthcare a priority in this country.
You Can Make A Difference in Saving a Life
Everyone can do something to help make sure that transplant patients receive a fair chance at life. Even if you don’t have any money and know nothing about medicine, simply writing your local Congressman is a start that will make a difference if we all chip in.
How do you ask for change from your government?
Not sure what to say? It’s easy. Just put in your own words why you think all Americans deserve access to life-saving health care, like heart transplants, whether they have money and insurance or not. Better yet, call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them that directly. Ask how they are making sure all patients who need help are getting it. Read more about health care reform at Health Care For America Now.
Contact Your Elected Representatives TODAY
Don’t delay. Call, write or email your representative in Congress and ask that they help make sure insurers cannot exclude pre-existing conditions and that Medicare promptly recognizes heart transplant patients as disabled.
find your representative here
Spread the word – and help us raise awareness for the thousands of people who need help now.
Simply send an email to your friends with a link to this site. It’s easy, quick and painless. Or better yet, post this site on your Facebook, Twitter or MySpace pages to let your friends know you care about those who need a transplant but cannot afford one. You’ll be helping others with this small step.