Sean Semon

The Eric De La Cruz Hope For Hearts Foundation today wishes a very happy birthday to Las Vegas resident and heart patient Sean Semon.

Sean, who turns 36 today, was diagnosed in 2005 with cardiomyopathy after a virus attacked his heart. Finding himself unable to breathe well, doctors ultimately decided the to implant a defibrillator. However, the surgeon operating on him decided that Sean, who was only 28 at the time, was too young for the procedure and instead chose to treat his illness with medications. Now, after having a defibrillator implanted and undergoing various treatments, doctors have told Sean a heart transplant is now critical to his survival.

The Foundation has support Sean and his family as they raise the approximately $150,000 necessary to prove he can pay the out-of-pocket expenses for a heart transplant procedure. A former semi-pro football player, Sean hopes to receive the transplant that will allow him to once again live a healthy, active lifestyle. But your help is needed to ensure Sean and his family receive a second chance at life.

Among Sean’s goals are establishing a nonprofit camp for children with heart problems and helping kids with heart problems once again run and play with others.

To make a donation in his honor of Sean’s birthday, please click the DONATE button above or contact us today. You may also visit Sean’s fundraising page at the National Foundation for Transplants by clicking here.
