#HappyBirthday to my dear brother, #Eric. You came into this world on 420. You died in hospital room 420. Every time I see those numbers I think of you. You touched thousands of people's lives with your story of struggle and hope for survival. You came here with a message that #healthcare should be accessible to everyone, especially to the most vulnerable in our society, such as yourself. You taught us #insurers shouldn't deny people coverage based on #preexistingconditions. You lost your life battling for that cause, but today 20 million more people in #America have the ability to walk into a hospital when they need to because of it. You were brave and strong every step of the way and not a day goes by when I don't think of you. If only we could talk again. I love you, Eric. I will forever be proud of your valiant fight. #HappyBirthdaytoOneoftheBest #loveyoumissyou #gonebutnotforgotten #hope4hearts #healthcareforall #ACA www.hopeforheartsfoundation.org

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